Warren County People & Places Trunk

1. Seneca Indians & The Four Flags

2. People & Places Video Presentation

3. Northwest Warren County Information: Brokenstraw Township, Columbus Township, Freehold Township, Pittsfield Township, Spring Creek Township, Sugar Grove Township

4. Southeast Warren County Information: Cherry Grove Township, Mead Township, Pleasant Township, Sheffield Township

5. Southwest Warren County Information: Deerfield Township, Eldred Township, Limestone Township, Southwest Township, Triumph Township, Watson Township

6. Northeast Warren County Information: Conewango Township, Corydon Township, Elk Township, Farmington Township, Glade Township, Kinzua Township, Pine Grove Township

7. City of Warren Information

8. Physical Objects: Photographs of the physical items included in the Trunk

9. Biographies

10. Community Worksheets

11. Project & Program Suggestions: Geography, Invitations & Calling Cards, Advertisements & Menus, School


Additional Resources included in this trunk can be found at the Warren County Historical Society.

210 Fourth Avenue
Warren, PA 16365

(814) 723-1795
